import os import torch choice_dict = { 'yolov7_cls': 'model_prepare(args).yolov7_cls()', 'timm_model': 'model_prepare(args).timm_model()', 'Alexnet': 'model_prepare(args).Alexnet()', 'badnet': 'model_prepare(args).badnet()', 'GoogleNet': 'model_prepare(args).GoogleNet()', 'mobilenetv2': 'model_prepare(args).mobilenetv2()', 'resnet': 'model_prepare(args).resnet()', 'VGG19': 'model_prepare(args).VGG19()', 'efficientnet': 'model_prepare(args).EfficientNetV2_S()', 'LeNet': 'model_prepare(args).LeNet()' } def model_get(args): if os.path.exists(args.weight): # 优先加载已有模型继续训练 model_dict = torch.load(args.weight, map_location='cpu') else: # 新建模型 if args.prune: # 模型剪枝 model_dict = torch.load(args.prune_weight, map_location='cpu') model = model_dict['model'] model = prune(args, model) elif args.timm: # model = model_prepare(args).timm_model() model = eval(choice_dict['timm_model']) else: model = eval(choice_dict[args.model]) model_dict = {} model_dict['model'] = model model_dict['epoch_finished'] = 0 # 已训练的轮数 model_dict['optimizer_state_dict'] = None # 学习率参数 model_dict['ema_updates'] = 0 # ema参数 model_dict['standard'] = 0 # 评价指标 return model_dict def prune(args, model): # 记录BN层权重 # Debugging output BatchNorm2d_weight = [] for module in model.modules(): if isinstance(module, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d): BatchNorm2d_weight.append( BatchNorm2d_weight_abs =, dim=0).abs() weight_len = len(BatchNorm2d_weight) # 记录权重与BN层编号的关系 BatchNorm2d_id = [] for i in range(weight_len): BatchNorm2d_id.extend([i for _ in range(len(BatchNorm2d_weight[i]))]) id_all = torch.tensor(BatchNorm2d_id) # 筛选 value, index = torch.sort(BatchNorm2d_weight_abs, dim=0, descending=True) boundary = int(len(index) * args.prune_ratio) prune_index = index[0:boundary] # 保留参数的下标 prune_index, _ = torch.sort(prune_index, dim=0, descending=False) prune_id = id_all[prune_index] # 将保留参数的下标放到每层中 index_list = [[] for _ in range(weight_len)] for i in range(len(prune_index)): index_list[prune_id[i]].append(prune_index[i]) # 将每层保留参数的下标换算成相对下标 record_len = 0 for i in range(weight_len): index_list[i] = torch.tensor(index_list[i]) index_list[i] -= record_len if len(index_list[i]) == 0: # 存在整层都被减去的情况,至少保留一层 index_list[i] = torch.argmax(BatchNorm2d_weight[i], dim=0).unsqueeze(0) record_len += len(BatchNorm2d_weight[i]) # 创建剪枝后的模型 args.prune_num = [len(_) for _ in index_list] prune_model = eval(choice_dict[args.model]) # BN层权重赋值和部分conv权重赋值 index = 0 for module, prune_module in zip(model.modules(), prune_model.modules()): if isinstance(module, torch.nn.Conv2d): # 更新部分Conv2d层权重 print(f"处理 Conv2d 层,索引:{index},权重形状:{}") if index > 0 and index - 1 < len(index_list): # 打印 index_list 状态 print(f"当前层前一层索引列表(index_list[{index - 1}]):{index_list[index - 1]}") # 检查是否索引越界 if index_list[index - 1].max().item() <[1]: # 检查最大索引是否小于输入通道数 weight = if index < len(index_list): weight = weight[:, index_list[index - 1], :, :] if == weight.shape: = weight else: print("索引越界,跳过当前层的处理") elif index == 0: weight =[index_list[index]] if == weight.shape: = weight if isinstance(module, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d): print(f"更新 BatchNorm2d 层,索引:{index},权重形状:{}") if index < len(index_list) and len(index_list[index]) > 0: expected_size = actual_size = len(index_list[index]) print(f"期望的大小:{expected_size}, 实际保留的大小:{actual_size}") if actual_size == expected_size: =[index_list[index]] =[index_list[index]] prune_module.running_mean = module.running_mean.clone()[index_list[index]] prune_module.running_var = module.running_var.clone()[index_list[index]] else: print("警告: 剪枝后的大小与期望的 BatchNorm2d 层大小不匹配") index += 1 return prune_model class model_prepare: def __init__(self, args): self.args = args def timm_model(self): from model.timm_model import timm_model model = timm_model(self.args) return model def yolov7_cls(self): from model.yolov7_cls import yolov7_cls model = yolov7_cls(self.args) return model def Alexnet(self): from model.Alexnet import Alexnet model = Alexnet(self.args.input_channels, self.args.output_num, self.args.input_size) return model def badnet(self): from model.badnet import BadNet model = BadNet(self.args.input_channels, self.args.output_num) return model def GoogleNet(self): from model.GoogleNet import GoogLeNet model = GoogLeNet(self.args.input_channels, self.args.output_num) return model def mobilenetv2(self): from model.mobilenetv2 import MobileNetV2 model = MobileNetV2(self.args.input_channels, self.args.output_num) return model def resnet(self): from model.resnet import ResNet18 model = ResNet18(self.args.input_channels, self.args.output_num) return model def VGG19(self): from model.VGG19 import VGG19 model = VGG19() return model def EfficientNetV2_S(self): from model.efficientnet import EfficientNetV2_S model = EfficientNetV2_S(self.args.input_channels, self.args.output_num) return model def LeNet(self): from model.LeNet import LeNet model = LeNet(self.args.input_channels, self.args.output_num, self.args.input_size) return model