2 Commits 52fd9f633f ... 21b56bb2e1

Author SHA1 Message Date
  skym1024 21b56bb2e1 商铺管理:修复下拉列表问题;优化代码 1 year ago
  skym1024 0d30ecfbf5 商户管理:修复下拉列表问题;重构代码 1 year ago
2 changed files with 137 additions and 140 deletions
  1. 59 62
  2. 78 78

+ 59 - 62

@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
 				<uni-row class="demo-uni-row" :width="nvueWidth">
 						<view class="demo-uni-col">
-							<uni-easyinput size="mini" class="uni-input" prefixIcon="search" v-model="searchVal" placeholder="请输入商户名称"></uni-easyinput>
+							<uni-easyinput size="mini" class="uni-input" prefixIcon="search" v-model="formData.name" placeholder="请输入商户名称"></uni-easyinput>
 				<uni-row class="demo-uni-row" :width="nvueWidth">
 					<uni-col :span="8">
 						<view class="demo-uni-col">
-							<uni-data-select class="search-data-select" v-model="typeValue" :localdata="typeRange" @change="changeType">类型</uni-data-select>
+							<uni-data-select class="search-data-select" v-model="formData.type" :localdata="typeOptions" @change="changeType">类型</uni-data-select>
 					<uni-col :span="8">
 						<view class="demo-uni-col">						
-							<uni-data-select class="search-data-select" v-model="communityValue" :localdata="communityRange" @change="changeCommunity">社区</uni-data-select>
+							<uni-data-select class="search-data-select" v-model="formData.community" :localdata="communityOptions" @change="changeCommunity">社区</uni-data-select>
 					<uni-col :span="4">
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 		<uni-list border class="list">
-				v-for="(item, index) in dataList"
+				v-for="(item, index) in resultList"
@@ -57,100 +57,97 @@
 	export default {
 		data() {
 			return {
-				searchVal: '',
-				// more = 加载前, loading = 加载中, noMore = 没有更多
-				more: 'more',
-				dataList: [],
-				typeValue: null,
-				typeRange: [],
-				communityValue: null,
-				communityRange: [],
-				queryForm: {
-					pageNum: 1,
-					pageSize: 12,
+				typeOptions: [],
+				communityOptions: [],
+				formData: {
+					pageNum: 0,
+					pageSize: 20,
 					type: null,
 					community: null,
 					name: null,
-				}
+				},				
+				resultList: [],
+				more: 'more'			
 		onShow: function() {
 			// this.init();
-		async mounted() {			
-			this.getMerchantList();
+		// 页面生命周期中onReachBottom(页面滚动到底部的事件)
+		onReachBottom() {
+			if(this.more != 'noMore') {
+				this.more = 'more';
+				this.getMerchantList();
+			}
+		},		
+		async mounted() {
 			await this.getDicts();
+			await this.getMerchantList();			
 		methods: {
-			getTitle(merchant){
-				return merchant.name;
-			},
 			async getDicts() {
 				const resp_type = await dictApi.getDict('community_merchant_type');
 				if (resp_type.code == 200) 
-					this.typeRange = resp_type.data.map(l => ({ ...l, value: l.dictValue, text: l.dictLabel }));
+					this.typeOptions = resp_type.data.map(l => ({ ...l, value: l.dictValue, text: l.dictLabel }));
 				const resp_community = await dictApi.getDict('community_merchant_belongs');
 				if (resp_community.code == 200) 
-					this.communityRange = resp_community.data.map(l => ({ ...l, value: l.dictValue, text: l.dictLabel }));
-			},
-			// 列表点击函数
-			listItemBtn(e) {
-				uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/merchant/info?id=${e.merchantId}`})
+					this.communityOptions = resp_community.data.map(l => ({ ...l, value: l.dictValue, text: l.dictLabel }));
 			// 搜索函数
 			async getMerchantList() {
-				this.reset();
 				this.more = 'loading';
 				const queryParams = {};
-				for (const key in this.queryForm) {
-					if (this.queryForm[key] !== null 
-						&& this.queryForm[key] !== undefined
-						&& this.queryForm[key] !== '') {
-						queryParams[key] = this.queryForm[key];
-					}
-				}
+				this.getFormParams(queryParams);
 				const resp = await merchantApi.getMerchantList({...queryParams});
-				this.dataList.push(...resp.data.map(e => {return {...e}}))
-				// 根据总数 算页数  如果当前页 = 总页数就是没有数据  否则就是上拉加载
-				this.more = this.page >= Math.ceil(resp.total / this.size) ? 'noMore' : 'more';
+				this.resultList.push(...resp.rows);
+				this.updateMoreStatus(resp.total);
 			// 搜索函数
 			async handleSearch() {
+				this.resultList = [];				
+				this.formData.pageNum = 0;	
 				await this.getMerchantList();
 			async handleReset() {
-				this.typeValue = null;
-				this.communityValue = null;
-				this.searchVal = null;
+				this.resultList = [];
+				this.formData.pageNum = 0;				
+				this.formData.name = null;				
+				this.formData.type = null;
+				this.formData.community = null;
 				await this.getMerchantList();
-			async changeType(e) {				
-				// const resp = await shopApi.listBuildingByDistrict(e);
-				// console.log(resp);
-				console.log("e:", e);
+			async changeType(e) {
+				this.formData.type = e;
 			async changeCommunity(e) {
-				console.log("e:", e);
+				this.formData.community = e;
-			reset() {
-				this.dataList.length = 0;
-				this.queryForm.pageNum = 1;
-				this.queryForm.pageSize= 12;
-				this.queryForm.type = this.typeValue;
-				this.queryForm.community= this.communityValue;
-				this.queryForm.name = this.searchVal;
-			}
-		},
-		// 页面生命周期中onReachBottom(页面滚动到底部的事件)
-		onReachBottom() {
-			if(this.more != 'noMore') {
-				this.more = 'more';
-				this.getMerchantList();
+			// 列表点击函数
+			listItemBtn(e) {
+				uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/merchant/info?id=${e.merchantId}`})
+			},			
+			getTitle(merchant){
+				return merchant.name;
+			},
+			getFormParams(queryParams){
+				this.formData.pageNum += 1;
+				for (const key in this.formData) {
+					if (this.formData[key] !== null 
+						&& this.formData[key] !== undefined
+						&& this.formData[key] !== '') {
+						queryParams[key] = this.formData[key];
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			updateMoreStatus(total){
+				// 根据总数 算页数  如果当前页 = 总页数就是没有数据  否则就是上拉加载
+				this.more = this.formData.pageNum >= Math.ceil(total / this.formData.pageSize) ? 'noMore' : 'more';

+ 78 - 78

@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
 				<uni-row class="demo-uni-row" :width="nvueWidth">
 						<view class="demo-uni-col">
-							<uni-easyinput class="uni-input" prefixIcon="search" v-model="searchVal" placeholder="请输入商户名称"></uni-easyinput>
+							<uni-easyinput class="uni-input" prefixIcon="search" v-model="formData.name" placeholder="请输入商户名称"></uni-easyinput>
 				<uni-row class="demo-uni-row" :width="nvueWidth">
 					<uni-col :span="11">
 						<view class="demo-uni-col">						
-							<uni-data-picker :localdata="addressItems" v-model="selectedAddress" placeholder="商铺位置" popup-title="选择商铺位置" 
+							<uni-data-picker :localdata="addressOptions" v-model="selectedAddress" placeholder="商铺位置" popup-title="选择商铺位置" 
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 					<uni-col :span="5">
 						<view class="demo-uni-col">						
-							<uni-data-select class="search-data-select"  placeholder="使用状态" v-model="statusValue" :localdata="statusRange">状态</uni-data-select>
+							<uni-data-select class="search-data-select"  placeholder="使用状态" v-model="formData.status" :localdata="statusOptions">状态</uni-data-select>
 					<uni-col :span="4">
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 		<uni-list border class="list">
-				v-for="(item, index) in dataList"
+				v-for="(item, index) in resultList"
@@ -59,48 +59,48 @@
 	import { BASE_URL } from '../../env.js';	
 	export default {
 		data() {
-			return {
-				searchVal: '',
-				// more = 加载前, loading = 加载中, noMore = 没有更多
-				more: 'more',
-				dataList: [],
+			return {				
+				addressOptions: [],
+				statusOptions: [],
 				currentAddress: null,
-				selectedAddress: null,
-				addressItems: [],
-				statusValue: null,
-				statusRange: [],
-				queryForm: {
-					pageNum: 1,
-					pageSize: 12,
+				selectedAddress: null,				
+				formData: {
+					pageNum: 0,
+					pageSize: 20,
 					district: null,
 					building: null,
 					floor: null,
 					status: null,
 					name: null,
-				}
+				},
+				resultList: [],
+				more: 'more'
 		onShow: function() {
 			// this.init();
+		// 页面生命周期中onReachBottom(页面滚动到底部的事件)
+		onReachBottom() {
+			if(this.more != 'noMore') {
+				this.more = 'more';
+				this.getShopList();
+			}
+		},		
 		async mounted() {
 			await this.getDicts();
 			await this.getDistrictBuildingFloor();
 			await this.getShopList();
 		methods: {
-			getTitle(shop){
-				const title = shop.district
-							+ " 楼栋:" + shop.building
-							+ " 楼层:" + shop.floor
-							+ " 铺位号:" + shop.number;
-							+ "商户:" + shop.name;
-							+ "状态:" + shop.status;
-				return title;
+			async getDicts() {
+				const resp_vacant = await dictApi.getDict('vacant_status');
+				if (resp_vacant.code == 200) 
+					this.statusOptions = resp_vacant.data.map(l => ({ ...l, value: l.dictValue, text: l.dictLabel }));
 			async getDistrictBuildingFloor() {
 				const resp_address = await shopApi.getDistrictBuildingFloor();
-				this.addressItems = resp_address.data.map(node => this.flattenValues(node));
+				this.addressOptions = resp_address.data.map(node => this.flattenValues(node));
 			flattenValues(node, parentValue='') {
@@ -112,54 +112,39 @@
 			  return node;
-			async getDicts() {
-				const resp_vacant = await dictApi.getDict('vacant_status');
-				if (resp_vacant.code == 200) 
-					this.statusRange = resp_vacant.data.map(l => ({ ...l, value: l.dictValue, text: l.dictLabel }));
-			},
-			// 列表点击函数
-			listItemBtn(e) {
-				uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/shop/info?id=${e.shopId}` })
-			},
 			// 搜索函数
 			async getShopList() {
-				this.resetFormAndResult();
 				this.more = 'loading';
-				if(this.currentAddress != null){
-					var parts = this.currentAddress.value.split(":");
-					if (parts.length >= 1) this.queryForm.district = parts[0];				
-					if (parts.length >= 2) this.queryForm.building = parts[1];
-					if (parts.length >= 3) this.queryForm.floor = parts[2];					
-				}
-				console.log("getShopList:", this.queryForm);
 				const queryParams = {};
-				for (const key in this.queryForm) {
-					if (this.queryForm[key] !== null && this.queryForm[key] !== undefined) {
-						queryParams[key] = this.queryForm[key];
-					}
-				}
+				this.getFormParams(queryParams);
 				const resp = await shopApi.getShopList({...queryParams});
-				this.dataList.push(...resp.data.map(e => {return {...e}}))
-				// 根据总数 算页数  如果当前页 = 总页数就是没有数据  否则就是上拉加载
-				this.more = this.page >= Math.ceil(resp.total / this.size) ? 'noMore' : 'more';
+				this.resultList.push(...resp.rows);
+				this.updateMoreStatus(resp.total);
 			// 搜索函数
 			async handleSearch() {
+				this.resultList.length = 0;
+				this.formData.pageNum = 0;
 				await this.getShopList();
 			async handleReset() {
-				this.resetFormAndResult();
-				this.searchVal = null;
 				this.currentAddress = null;
 				this.selectedAddress = null;
-				this.statusValue = null;
+				this.formData.pageNum = 0;
+				this.formData.name = null;				
+				this.formData.district = null;
+				this.formData.building = null;
+				this.formData.floor = null;
+				this.formData.status = null;
+				this.resultList.length = 0;
 				await this.getShopList();
-			},	
+			},
 			onchange(nodesPath) {
 				const value = nodesPath.detail.value[0];
 				if (!value) {
@@ -168,31 +153,46 @@
 			onnodeclick(node) {
 				this.currentAddress = node;
-				console.log("onnodeclick:", this.currentAddress);
 			onpopupclosed() {
-				console.log("onpopupclosed:", this.currentAddress.value);
 				this.$nextTick(() => {
 					this.selectedAddress = this.currentAddress.value
-			resetFormAndResult() {
-				this.dataList.length = 0;
-				this.queryForm.pageNum = 1;
-				this.queryForm.pageSize= 12;
-				this.queryForm.status = this.statusValue;
-				this.queryForm.district = null;
-				this.queryForm.building = null;
-				this.queryForm.floor = null;
-				this.queryForm.name = this.searchVal;
-			}
-		},
-		// 页面生命周期中onReachBottom(页面滚动到底部的事件)
-		onReachBottom() {
-			if(this.more != 'noMore') {
-				this.more = 'more';
-				this.getShopList();
+			// 列表点击函数
+			listItemBtn(e) {
+				uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/shop/info?id=${e.shopId}` })
+			},
+			getTitle(shop){
+				const title = shop.district
+							+ " 楼栋:" + shop.building
+							+ " 楼层:" + shop.floor
+							+ " 铺位号:" + shop.number;
+							+ "商户:" + shop.name;
+							+ "状态:" + shop.status;
+				return title;
+			},
+			getFormParams(queryParams){
+				this.formData.pageNum += 1;
+				if(this.currentAddress != null){
+					var parts = this.currentAddress.value.split(":");
+					if (parts.length >= 1) this.formData.district = parts[0];				
+					if (parts.length >= 2) this.formData.building = parts[1];
+					if (parts.length >= 3) this.formData.floor = parts[2];					
+				}
+				for (const key in this.formData) {
+					if (this.formData[key] !== null 
+						&& this.formData[key] !== undefined
+						&& this.formData[key] !== '') {
+						queryParams[key] = this.formData[key];
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			updateMoreStatus(total){
+				// 根据总数 算页数  如果当前页 = 总页数就是没有数据  否则就是上拉加载
+				this.more = this.formData.pageNum >= Math.ceil(total / this.formData.pageSize) ? 'noMore' : 'more';