'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const _ = require('lodash'); const { ObjectId } = require('mongoose').Types; const { CrudService } = require('naf-framework-mongoose/lib/service'); const { BusinessError, ErrorCode } = require('naf-core').Error; const moment = require('moment'); const XLSX = require('xlsx'); const Excel = require('exceljs'); const { sep } = require('path'); class SchoolService extends CrudService { constructor(ctx) { super(ctx, 'schoolctrl'); this.model = this.ctx.model.School; this.smodel = this.ctx.model.Student; this.umodel = this.ctx.model.User; this.tmodel = this.ctx.model.Trainplan; this.jmodel = this.ctx.model.Job; this.schmodel = this.ctx.model.Schtime; } async findByCodes({ code }) { if (!_.isArray(code) || code.length <= 0) return []; const res = await this.model.find({ code }, { name: 1, code: 1, level: 1, hascar: 1, address: 1 }); return res; } async create(data) { const { code, name } = data; assert(code, '缺少学校代码'); assert(name, '缺少学校名称'); const res = await this.model.create(data); if (res) { const obj = { mobile: code, name, type: '2', uid: res._id, passwd: { secret: '12345678' }, }; await this.umodel.create(obj); } return res; } async delete({ id }) { await this.model.findByIdAndDelete(id); await this.umodel.deleteOne({ uid: id, type: '2' }); return 'deleted'; } async query({ name, ...data }, { skip, limit }) { const query = { ...data }; if (name) { query.name = { $regex: name }; } let res = await this.model.find(query).skip(parseInt(skip)).limit(parseInt(limit)); if (res && res.length > 0) { res = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res)); const ids = res.map((i) => i._id); const users = await this.umodel.find({ uid: { $in: ids } }, '+passwd'); for (const tea of res) { const r = users.find((f) => f.uid === tea._id); if (r) { const passwd = _.get(r.passwd, 'secret'); if (passwd) tea.passwd = passwd; } } } return res; } async count({ name, ...data } = {}) { const query = { ...data }; if (name) { query.name = { $regex: name }; } return await this.model.count(query); } // 去重查询学校 async findSchool({ name, skip, limit, ...info }) { let data = []; const query = { ...info }; if (name) { query.name = { $regex: name }; } const AggregateInfo = [ // 这里可以添加其他查询条件,例如过滤特定字段等 { $match: query }, // 去除重复数据 { $group: { _id: '$code', uniqueData: { $first: '$$ROOT' } } }, { $replaceRoot: { newRoot: '$uniqueData' } }, { $addFields: { id: '$_id' } }, { $sort: { code: 1 } }, // 分页查询 { $skip: parseInt(skip) }, ]; if (limit) AggregateInfo.push({ $limit: parseInt(limit) }); const res = await this.model.aggregate(AggregateInfo); if (res && res.length > 0) { data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res)); const ids = res.map((i) => i._id); const users = await this.umodel.find({ uid: { $in: ids } }, '+passwd').lean(); for (const tea of data) { const r = users.find((f) => f.uid === tea._id); if (r) { const passwd = _.get(r.passwd, 'secret'); if (passwd) tea.passwd = passwd; } } } const count = await this.model.aggregate([{ $match: query }, { $group: { _id: '$code' } }, { $count: 'distinctCount' }]); const total = _.get(count[0], 'distinctCount') || 0; return { total, data }; } async stuimport(data) { const { filepath, termid, schid, type, batchid } = data; assert(filepath, 'filepath不能为空'); assert(termid, 'termid不能为空'); assert(schid, 'schid不能为空'); // 根据termid取得计划信息 const plan = await this.tmodel.findOne({ 'termnum._id': ObjectId(termid) }); if (!plan) { throw new BusinessError(ErrorCode.DATA_NOT_EXIST, '计划信息不存在'); } const term = plan.termnum.id(termid); const planid = plan.id; const planyearid = plan.planyearid; // 检查这个范围的学生是否存在,存在的话是否更改过(classid,bedroomid这两项存不存在可以放过,但凡有一个人,就不行了) let dbStuList = await this.ctx.model.Student.find({ termid, batchid, schid }); if (dbStuList.length > 0) { // 查这个学校的这期学生是否修改过班级 或 寝室 const is_change = dbStuList.find((f) => f.classid ); // || 2024-07-05 修改:f.bedroomid去掉,因为现在不在中心培训了,不管寝室了 if (is_change) { throw new BusinessError( ErrorCode.BUSINESS, '上报过的学生已经安排班级!若需要替换学生,让同性别的学生直接来和班主任说,修改信息即可.若还是有疑问,请和中心负责人联系(最好联系下)', // 或寝室 ); } } // 2021-06-07 如果学生已经绑定,那也不允许修改名单了 const countOpenid = await this.ctx.model.Student.count({ termid, batchid, schid, openid: { $exists: true } }); if (countOpenid > 0) throw new BusinessError(ErrorCode.BUSINESS, '已有学生绑定账号,名单无法修改.若有问题请联系中心负责人!'); // 获取学校名称 let school_name; const sch = await this.ctx.model.School.findOne({ code: schid }); if (sch) school_name = sch.name; let domain = ''; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') domain = 'http://jytz.jilinjobs.cn'; const fullUrl = domain + filepath; // this.ctx.app.config.baseUrl http://jytz.jilinjobs.cn let studentList = await this.getDataFromExcel(fullUrl); const checkRes = await this.checkData(studentList); const { errorcode } = checkRes; if (errorcode === '1') { return checkRes; } // 2021-05-26 添加与数据库的对比,如果数据库里已经有这个身份证号,就需要提示 const countStudent = await this.countStudent(studentList, planid); const { errorcode: csec } = countStudent; if (csec === '1') { return countStudent; } // 整理数据 studentList = this.lastSetData(studentList, { planyearid, planid, batchid, termid, type, schid, school_name, }); const num = await this.getschnum(plan, schid, batchid); // 查看要求人数和整理完最后的人数能不能对上 if (studentList.length !== num) { const res = await this.jmodel.findOne({ code: schid, batchid }); const reason = `学校上传人数${studentList.length > num ? '多于' : '少于'}预期人数,请联系中心管理员`; if (res) { res.reason = reason; res.filepath = filepath; await res.save(); } else { const job = { code: schid, name: school_name, planid, termid, term: term.term, batchid, filepath, studs: JSON.stringify(studentList), plannum: num, schnum: studentList.length, isstore: '0', createtime: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:SS:mm'), type, }; job.reason = reason; await this.jmodel.create(job); } throw new BusinessError(ErrorCode.SERVICE_FAULT, reason); } else { // 复制,删除,添加 if (dbStuList.length > 0) { dbStuList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(dbStuList)); dbStuList = dbStuList.map((i) => { delete i.meta; i.studentid = _.clone(i._id); delete i.id; delete i._id; return i; }); await this.smodel.deleteMany({ termid, batchid, schid }); await this.ctx.model.Dstudent.insertMany(dbStuList); } await this.smodel.insertMany(studentList); } return 'ok'; } /** * 检查学生是否参加过这个计划以外的计划,参加过就不让来了 * @param {Array} studentList 学生列表 * @param {String} planid 计划id */ async countStudent(studentList, planid) { let errorcode = '0'; const errormsg = []; for (const stu of studentList) { const { name, id_number } = stu; let error = false; let msg = ''; const count = await this.smodel.count({ id_number, planid: { $ne: planid } }); if (count > 0) { error = true; msg = `${msg}${name}已经参加过培训`; } if (error) { errorcode = '1'; stu.msg = msg; errormsg.push(stu); } } return { errorcode, errormsg }; } // 取得学校预计人数 async getschnum(plan, schid, batchid) { const schtime = await this.schmodel.findOne({ schid, planid: plan.id }); const { arrange } = schtime; const r = arrange.find((f) => f.batchid === batchid); if (!r) { throw new BusinessError(ErrorCode.DATA_NOT_EXIST, '没有找到该学校的计划'); } const { number } = r; return parseInt(number); } // 整理excel数据 async getDataFromExcel(url) { // 请求文件 const file = await this.ctx.curl(`${url}`); if (!(file && file.data)) { throw new BusinessError(ErrorCode.DATA_NOT_EXIST, '未找到上传的名单'); } const workbook = new Excel.Workbook(); // 读取文件 await workbook.xlsx.load(file.data); const worksheet = workbook.getWorksheet(1); if (!worksheet) { throw new BusinessError(ErrorCode.DATA_NOT_EXIST, '未发现excel中有工作表'); } // 获取表头,通过方法的返回值,将写死的表头数组返回 回来 const cols = this.getStucolumn(); // 第一行(表头) const headRow = worksheet.getRow(1); // 设置,检查表头 headRow.eachCell((cell, coli) => { console.log(cell.value); if (cell.value !== '序号') { const r = cols.find((f) => f.key === cell.value); if (r) { const ri = cols.findIndex((f) => f.key === cell.value); // 表头符合要求,做上标记 r.colIndex = coli; cols[ri] = r; } else { throw new BusinessError(`模板中"${cell.value}"列错误,请检查excel!`); } } }); // 检查表头结果,如果有没有 colIndex,说明表头里有不符合要求的,退回去 const excelIsRigth = cols.every((f) => f.colIndex); if (!excelIsRigth) throw new BusinessError(ErrorCode.DATA_INVALID, 'Excel表格格式不正确,请使用系统提供的模板,或重新下载模板!'); // 删除掉第一行 表头行,这不是数据 worksheet.spliceRows(0, 1); const stuList = []; const noWhite = (str) => str.replace(/\s*/g, ''); // 整理数据,根据检查合格的表头行,获取每个格子的数据,制成[object]格式 worksheet.eachRow((row) => { const stu = {}; for (let i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { const col = cols[i]; if (!col) break; let val = _.trim(row.getCell(col.colIndex)); if (col.column === 'id_number') val = val.toUpperCase(); if (val && val !== '') val = noWhite(val); stu[col.column] = val; } stuList.push(stu); }); return stuList; } // 数据校验 async checkData(stuList) { const cols = this.getStucolumn(); let errorcode = '0'; const errormsg = []; for (const stu of stuList) { const { name } = stu; let error = false; let msg = ''; // 各个字段检查,最低为非空检查 for (const col of cols) { const { key, column } = col; if (!column) throw new BusinessError(ErrorCode.SERVICE_FAULT, '未找到导出的字段名'); const val = _.get(stu, column); // 空校验 if (!val || val === '') { error = true; msg = `${msg}"${key}"不能为空;`; continue; } // 性别校验 if (column === 'gender') { if (!(val.includes('男') || val.includes('女'))) { error = true; msg = `${msg}性别错误;`; } continue; } // 身份证号校验 if (column === 'id_number') { // 因为删除再添加的流程导致此处 不能 校验数据库中是否有这个身份证号 // const res = await this.ctx.model.Student.findOne({ id_number: val }); // if (!res) { const { pass, msg: idmsg } = this.ctx.service.school.idCodeValid(val); if (!pass) { error = true; msg = `${msg}${idmsg};`; } // } else { // error = true; // msg = `${msg}学生已存在`; // } const have_same = stuList.filter((f) => f.id_number === val && f.name !== name); if (have_same.length > 0) { error = true; const h = _.head(have_same); const num = have_same.length; if (num === 1) { msg = `${msg}身份证号与本次名单的"${h.name}"重复;`; } else msg = `${msg}身份证号与本次名单中"${h.name}"等${num}人重复;`; } continue; } // 手机号校验 if (column === 'phone') { // 因为删除再添加的流程导致此处 不能 校验数据库中是否有这个手机号 // const res = await this.ctx.model.Student.findOne({ phone: val }); // if (!res) { if (!/^\d{11}$/i.test(val)) { error = true; msg = `${msg}手机号位数不正确;`; } // } else { // error = true; // msg = `${msg}学生库中已有该手机号,请检查手机号是否正确,若无误,请联系中心负责人`; // } const have_same = stuList.filter((f) => f.phone === val && f.name !== name); if (have_same.length > 0) { error = true; const h = _.head(have_same); const num = have_same.length; if (num === 1) { msg = `${msg}手机号与本次名单的"${h.name}"重复;`; } else msg = `${msg}手机号与本次名单中"${h.name}"等${num}人重复;`; } continue; } // 专业校验 if (column === 'major') { if (val.includes('专业')) { error = true; msg = `${msg}专业列不能含有"专业"二字;`; } continue; } // 入学年份 if (column === 'entry_year') { const m = /^\w{4}$/; if (!val.match(m)) { error = true; msg = `${msg}入学年份格式不正确,只填写4位数字;`; } continue; } // 毕业年份 if (column === 'finish_year') { const m = /^\w{4}$/; if (!val.match(m)) { error = true; msg = `${msg}毕业年份格式不正确,只填写4位数字;`; } continue; } // 双困检查 if (column === 'family_is_hard') { if (!(val.includes('是') || val.includes('否'))) { error = true; msg = `${msg}家庭是否困难填写"是"或"否";`; } continue; } if (column === 'have_grant') { if (!(val.includes('是') || val.includes('否'))) { error = true; msg = `${msg}是否获得过助学金填写"是"或"否";`; } continue; } } if (error) { errorcode = '1'; stu.msg = msg; errormsg.push(stu); } } return { errorcode, errormsg }; } // 最后整合数据 lastSetData(stuList, data) { const cols = this.getStucolumn(); const needChange = cols.filter((f) => f.change); stuList = stuList.map((i) => { const d = { ...i, ...data }; for (const col of needChange) { const { column, change } = col; if (!column && change && _.isArray(change)) continue; const val = _.get(d, column); if (!val) continue; const r = change.find((f) => f.key === val); if (!r) continue; const { value } = r; d[column] = value; } return d; }); return stuList; } // excel中学生字段 getStucolumn() { const arr = [ { key: '姓名', column: 'name' }, { key: '性别', column: 'gender' }, { key: '民族', column: 'nation' }, { key: '身份证号', column: 'id_number' }, { key: '学校名称', column: 'school_name' }, { key: '学历层次', column: 'edua_level' }, { key: '学制', column: 'edua_system' }, { key: '院(系)', column: 'faculty' }, { key: '专业', column: 'major' }, { key: '入学年份', column: 'entry_year' }, { key: '毕业年份', column: 'finish_year' }, { key: '在校曾担任何种职务', column: 'school_job' }, { key: '手机号', column: 'phone' }, { key: 'QQ号', column: 'qq' }, { key: '家庭所在地', column: 'family_place' }, { key: '家庭是否困难', column: 'family_is_hard', change: [ { key: '否', value: '0' }, { key: '是', value: '1' }, ], }, { key: '是否获得过助学金', column: 'have_grant', change: [ { key: '否', value: '0' }, { key: '是', value: '1' }, ], }, ]; return arr; } // 导出学校名单 async exportSchool({ trainplanId }) { // 批次期次都在这里面 const trainplan = await this.tmodel.find({ _id: trainplanId }); const _headers = [{ key: 'title', title: '计划标题' }]; // 需要打出的列表 const _data = trainplan; const headers = _headers .map(({ title }) => title) .map((v, i) => Object.assign({}, { v, position: String.fromCharCode(65 + i) + 1 })) .reduce((prev, next) => Object.assign({}, prev, { [next.position]: { v: next.v } }), {}); const data = _data .map((v, i) => _headers.map(({ key }, j) => Object.assign({}, { v: v[key], position: String.fromCharCode(65 + j) + (i + 2) }))) .reduce((prev, next) => prev.concat(next)) .reduce((prev, next) => Object.assign({}, prev, { [next.position]: { v: next.v } }), {}); // 合并 headers 和 data const output = Object.assign({}, headers, data); // 获取所有单元格的位置 const outputPos = Object.keys(output); // 计算出范围 const ref = outputPos[0] + ':' + outputPos[outputPos.length - 1]; // 构建 workbook 对象 const nowDate = new Date().getTime(); // 地址有问题,需要引用config变量 const { repos_root_path: rp } = this.ctx.app.config.cdn; const { baseUrl: bu } = this.ctx.app.config; const path = `${rp}${sep}train${sep}${nowDate}.xlsx`; const respath = `${bu}/files/train/${nowDate}.xlsx`; const wb = { SheetNames: ['sheet0'], Sheets: { sheet0: Object.assign({}, output, { '!ref': ref }) }, }; // 导出 Excel XLSX.writeFile(wb, path); return respath; } async updateclass({ trainplanid, classid, rightHeader }) { assert(trainplanid && classid && rightHeader, '缺少参数项'); // 根据全年计划表id查出对应的全年计划详细信息 const trainplan = await this.model.findById(trainplanid); if (!trainplan) { throw new BusinessError(ErrorCode.DATA_NOT_EXIST, '全年计划信息不存在'); } for (const term of trainplan.termnum) { for (const batch of term.batchnum) { const class_ = await batch.class.id(classid); if (class_) { class_.headteacherid = rightHeader; } } } return await trainplan.save(); } async updatereteacher({ trainplanid, termid, reteacher }) { assert(trainplanid && termid && reteacher, '缺少参数项'); // 根据全年计划表id查出对应的全年计划详细信息 const trainplan = await this.model.findById(trainplanid); if (!trainplan) { throw new BusinessError(ErrorCode.DATA_NOT_EXIST, '全年计划信息不存在'); } const term = await trainplan.termnum.id(termid); if (term) { term.reteacher = reteacher; } return await trainplan.save(); } // 身份证验证 idCodeValid(code) { // 身份证号合法性验证 // 支持15位和18位身份证号 // 支持地址编码、出生日期、校验位验证 const city = { 11: '北京', 12: '天津', 13: '河北', 14: '山西', 15: '内蒙古', 21: '辽宁', 22: '吉林', 23: '黑龙江 ', 31: '上海', 32: '江苏', 33: '浙江', 34: '安徽', 35: '福建', 36: '江西', 37: '山东', 41: '河南', 42: '湖北 ', 43: '湖南', 44: '广东', 45: '广西', 46: '海南', 50: '重庆', 51: '四川', 52: '贵州', 53: '云南', 54: '西藏 ', 61: '陕西', 62: '甘肃', 63: '青海', 64: '宁夏', 65: '新疆', 71: '台湾', 81: '香港', 82: '澳门', 91: '国外 ', }; let row = { pass: true, msg: '验证成功', }; if (!code || !/^\d{6}(18|19|20)?\d{2}(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])\d{3}(\d|[xX])$/.test(code)) { row = { pass: false, msg: '身份证号格式错误', }; } else if (!city[code.substr(0, 2)]) { row = { pass: false, msg: '身份证号地址编码错误', }; } else { // 18位身份证需要验证最后一位校验位 if (code.length === 18) { code = code.split(''); // ∑(ai×Wi)(mod 11) // 加权因子 const factor = [7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2]; // 校验位 const parity = [1, 0, 'X', 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2]; let sum = 0; let ai = 0; let wi = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 17; i++) { ai = code[i]; wi = factor[i]; sum += ai * wi; } if (parity[sum % 11] != code[17].toUpperCase()) { row = { pass: false, msg: '身份证号校验位错误', }; } } } return row; } } module.exports = SchoolService;