123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139 |
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- function getData(obj){
- // return Math.floor(obj*(Math.random()));
- // return Math.round(obj*(Math.random()));
- return Math.round(obj*(Math.random()*100))/100;
- }
- function columnShow(){
- var baseNum=100;
- var data = [
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- {name : 'Opera',value : getData(baseNum),color:'#a56f8f'},
- {name : 'Other',value : getData(baseNum),color:'#6f83a5'}
- ];
- new iChart.Column2D({
- render : 'canvasDiv',//渲染的Dom目标,canvasDiv为Dom的ID
- data: data,//绑定数据
- title : '柱状图测试',//设置标题
- // showpercent:true,//将数据装换成百分比
- // decimalsnum:2,//显示小数点后几位
- width : 800,//设置宽度,默认单位为px
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- listeners:{//配置事件
- parseText:function(t,x,y){
- return {text:t+" cm"}
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- }]
- }
- }).draw();//调用绘图方法开始绘图
- }
- function lineShow(){
- var baseNum=20;
- var data = [
- {
- name : '北京',
- value:[getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum)],
- color:'#1f7e92',
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- },
- {
- name : '长春',
- value:[getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum),getData(baseNum)],
- color:'#f68f70',
- line_width:3
- }
- ];
- var labels=["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月"];
- new iChart.LineBasic2D({
- render : 'canvasDiv',
- data: data,
- title : '2012年平均温度情况',
- width : 800,
- height : 400,
- coordinate:{height:'90%',background_color:'#f6f9fa'},
- sub_option:{
- hollow_inside:false,//设置一个点的亮色在外环的效果
- point_size:16
- },
- crosshair:{
- enable:true,
- line_color:'#62bce9'//十字线的颜色
- },
- labels:labels
- }).draw();
- }
- function pieShow(){
- var data = [
- {name : 'IE',value : 35.75,color:'#9d4a4a'},
- {name : 'Chrome',value : 29.84,color:'#5d7f97'},
- {name : 'Firefox',value : 24.88,color:'#97b3bc'},
- {name : 'Safari',value : 6.77,color:'#a5aaaa'},
- {name : 'Opera',value : 2.02,color:'#778088'},
- {name : 'Other',value : 0.73,color:'#6f83a5'}
- ];
- new iChart.Pie2D({
- render : 'canvasDiv',
- data: data,
- title : 'Top 5 Browsers from 1 to 29 Feb 2012',
- legend : {
- enable : true
- },
- showpercent:true,
- decimalsnum:2,
- width : 800,
- height : 400,
- radius:140
- }).draw();
- }
- </script>
- </head>
- <body >
- <a href="#" onclick="columnShow();">柱状图</a>
- <a href="#" onclick="lineShow();">折现图</a>
- <a href="#" onclick="pieShow();">饼状图</a>
- <div id="canvasDiv"></div>
- </body>
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