@@ -118,5 +118,59 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
ORDER BY a.create_time_str ASC
ORDER BY a.create_time_str ASC
+ <select id="selectPortalZwywLrJgyyById" parameterType="ZwywLrJgyy" resultMap="ZwywLrJgyyResult">
+ <include refid="selectLrJgYyInfo"></include>
+ <where>
+ <if test="id != null and id != ''"> and a.id = #{id}</if>
+ </where>
+ ORDER BY a.create_time_str ASC
+ </select>
+ <select id="selectPortalZwywLrJgyyList" parameterType="ZwywLrJgyy" resultMap="ZwywLrJgyyResult">
+ <include refid="selectLrJgYyInfo"></include>
+ <where>
+ <if test="xm != null and xm != ''"> and a.xm = #{xm}</if>
+ <if test="zjhm != null and zjhm != ''"> and a.zjhm = #{zjhm}</if>
+ <if test="jgmc != null and jgmc != ''"> and b.jgmc like concat('%',#{jgmc},'%')</if>
+ <if test="yyLrYljg != null and yyLrYljg != ''"> and a.yy_lr_yljg = #{yyLrYljg}</if>
+ <if test="params.beginYysj != null and params.beginYysj != '' and params.endYysj != null and params.endYysj != ''"> and a.yy_lr_sj between #{params.beginYysj} and #{params.endYysj}</if>
+ <if test="params.beginYysj != null and params.beginYysj != '' and (params.endYysj == null or params.endYysj == '')"> and a.yy_lr_sj >= #{params.beginYysj}</if>
+ <if test="(params.beginYysj == null or params.beginYysj == '') and params.endYysj != null and params.endYysj != ''"> and a.yy_lr_sj <= #{params.endYysj}</if>
+ </where>
+ ORDER BY a.create_time_str ASC
+ </select>
+ <insert id="insertPortalZwywLrJgyy" parameterType="ZwywLrJgyy">
+ insert into zwyw_lr_jgyy
+ <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
+ <if test="id != null">id,</if>
+ <if test="xm != null">xm,</if>
+ <if test="zjhm != null">zjhm,</if>
+ <if test="yyLrYljg != null">yy_lr_yljg,</if>
+ <if test="lrjzdzxzqh != null">lrjzdzxzqh,</if>
+ <if test="lrjzdz != null">lrjzdz,</if>
+ <if test="yyLrRzyddh != null">yy_lr_rzyddh,</if>
+ create_time_str,
+ create_user_id,
+ create_user_type,create_area_code,
+ create_by,
+ create_unit,
+ create_unit_name
+ </trim>
+ <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
+ <if test="id != null">#{id},</if>
+ <if test="xm != null">#{xm},</if>
+ <if test="zjhm != null">#{zjhm},</if>
+ <if test="yyLrYljg != null">#{yyLrYljg},</if>
+ <if test="lrjzdzxzqh != null">#{lrjzdzxzqh},</if>
+ <if test="lrjzdz != null">#{lrjzdz},</if>
+ <if test="yyLrRzyddh != null">#{yyLrRzyddh},</if>
+ #{createTimeStr},
+ #{createUserId},
+ #{createUserType},#{createAreaCode},
+ #{createBy},
+ #{createUnit},
+ #{createUnitName}
+ </trim>
+ </insert>