@@ -22,6 +22,24 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<result property="updateUnit" column="update_unit" />
<result property="updateUnitName" column="update_unit_name" />
<result property="state" column="state" />
+ <result property="lrXm" column="lr_xm" />
+ <result property="lrXb" column="lr_xb" />
+ <result property="lrZjhm" column="lr_zjhm" />
+ <select id="selectZwywChxxxList" parameterType="ZwywLrChxxx" resultMap="ZwywLrChxxxResult">
+ SELECT b.lr_xm , b.lr_xb, b.lr_zjhm, a.*
+ FROM zwyw_lr_chxxx a
+ LEFT JOIN zwyw_lr_jbxx b ON b.id = a.lr_id
+ <where>
+ <if test="lrId != null and lrId != ''"> and a.lr_id = #{lrId}</if>
+ <if test="lrZjhm != null and lrZjhm != ''"> and b.lr_zjhm like concat('%', #{lrZjhm}, '%')</if>
+ <if test="lrXm != null and lrXm != ''"> and b.lr_xm like concat('%', #{lrXm}, '%')</if>
+ <if test="params.beginQyrq != null and params.beginQyrq != '' and params.endQyrq != null and params.endQyrq != ''"> and a.qyrq between #{params.beginQyrq} and #{params.endQyrq}</if>
+ <if test="params.beginQyrq != null and params.beginQyrq != '' and (params.endQyrq == null or params.endQyrq == '')"> and a.qyrq >= #{params.beginQyrq}</if>
+ <if test="(params.beginQyrq == null or params.beginQyrq == '') and params.endQyrq != null and params.endQyrq != ''"> and a.qyrq <= #{params.endQyrq}</if>
+ </where>
+ </select>