@@ -23,6 +23,22 @@ Page({
currentId: null,
currentName: "",
tva: 32,
+ noticeVis: false,
+ defAvatarm: "/images/mm.jpg",
+ defAvatarf: "/images/fm.jpg",
+ gender_icon_m: "/images/g_m.png",
+ gender_icon_f: "/images/g_f.png",
+ cardVis: false,
+ stuItem: null,
+ pageNum: 1,
+ pageSize: 4,
+ stuInfo: {},
+ jobArr: [],
+ classVis: false,
+ classErrVis: false,
+ classNVis: false,
+ scheduleList: [],
// 查询我是否认证
isRz(sessionKey) {
@@ -33,6 +49,7 @@ Page({
success: (res) => {
if (res.data.code == 0 && (res.data.data !== null || res.data.data !== "")) {
isRz: false
@@ -60,6 +77,7 @@ Page({
// 查询我是否有班&&班级名字
isClass(sessionKey) {
+ var that = this;
url: app.globalData.publicUrl + '/wx/student/selMyClas',
method: "post",
@@ -67,45 +85,77 @@ Page({
success: (res) => {
+ console.log(res);
if (res.data.code == 0) {
- this.setData({
- classInfo: res.data.data
+ let classInfo = res.data.data;
+ classInfo.clasBegin = app.timeFmt(classInfo.clasBegin, "yyyy\/MM\/dd hh:mm ");
+ classInfo.clasEnd = app.timeFmt(classInfo.clasEnd, "yyyy\/MM\/dd hh:mm ");
+ // classInfo.clasBegin=app.timeFilter(classInfo.clasBegin);
+ // classInfo.clasEnd=app.timeFilter(classInfo.clasEnd);
+ //console.log("classInfo.clasBegin:",app.timeFilter(classInfo.clasBegin));
+ that.setData({
+ classInfo: classInfo,
+ classVis: true
- this.getMycourse(sessionKey);
- this.checkTaskList(sessionKey);
- this.checkTaskList3(sessionKey, res.data.data.id);
- this.checkTaskList4(sessionKey, res.data.data.id);
+ // this.getMycourse(sessionKey);
+ // this.checkTaskList(sessionKey);
+ // this.checkTaskList3(sessionKey, res.data.data.id);
+ // this.checkTaskList4(sessionKey, res.data.data.id);
} else {
if (res.data.msg == "运行时异常:学员不可同时存在两个班级中。") {
- wx.showModal({
- content: "学员不可同时存在多个班级中哦",
- showCancel: false,
- success(res) {
- if (res.confirm) {
- wx.switchTab({
- url: '../index/index'
- })
- }
- }
- })
+ that.setData({ classErrVis: true });
+ // wx.showModal({
+ // content: "学员不可同时存在多个班级中哦",
+ // showCancel: false,
+ // success(res) {
+ // if (res.confirm) {
+ // wx.switchTab({
+ // url: '../index/index'
+ // })
+ // }
+ // }
+ // })
return false;
} else {
- wx.showModal({
- content: "您当前还没有正在开放的班级!",
- showCancel: false,
- success(res) {
- if (res.confirm) {
- wx.switchTab({
- url: '../index/index'
- })
- }
+ that.setData({ classNVis: true });
+ wx.request({
+ url: app.globalData.publicUrl + '/wx/student/selClasToo',
+ method: "post",
+ data: {
+ sessionKey,
+ isActive: 0
+ },
+ success: (res) => {
+ console.log(res);
+ let list = res.data.data.map(item => {
+ item.clasBegin = app.timeFmt(item.clasBegin, "yyyy\/MM\/dd hh:mm ");
+ item.clasEnd = app.timeFmt(item.clasEnd, "yyyy\/MM\/dd hh:mm ");
+ return item;
+ })
+ that.setData({ scheduleList: list })
+ // wx.showModal({
+ // content: "您当前还没有正在开放的班级!",
+ // showCancel: false,
+ // success(res) {
+ // if (res.confirm) {
+ // wx.switchTab({
+ // url: '../index/index'
+ // })
+ // }
+ // }
+ // })
return false;
@@ -233,12 +283,28 @@ Page({
isSee: 1
// isNotice: 0
+ fail: () => {
+ this.setData({
+ noticeVis: false
+ })
+ },
success: (res) => {
if (res.data.code == 0) {
- if (res.data.list && res.data.list.length !== 0)
+ if (res.data.list && res.data.list.length !== 0) {
- notice: res.data.list[0].noticeContent
+ notice: res.data.list[0].noticeContent,
+ noticeVis: true
+ } else {
+ this.setData({
+ noticeVis: false
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.setData({
+ noticeVis: false
+ });
@@ -942,12 +1008,12 @@ Page({
console.log(res.data, "领取结业证提交")
- if(res.data.code==500){
+ if (res.data.code == 500) {
showCancel: false,
content: "领取失败,请稍后再试"
- }else{
+ } else {
myCanvasId: that.data.myCanvasId + 1
@@ -977,12 +1043,12 @@ Page({
ctx.font = 'normal bold 14px sans-serif'
ctx.setTextAlign('left'); //是否居中显示,参考点画布中线
let leftPositionAarr = [59, 30]
- let graduationNum =res.data.data.graduationNum!=""? "编号:" + res.data.data.graduationNum:"";
+ let graduationNum = res.data.data.graduationNum != "" ? "编号:" + res.data.data.graduationNum : "";
ctx.fillText(graduationNum, 130, 150);
- let topPt=190-(strTar.length-4)*5;
- let lineHeight=30-(strTar.length>4?strTar.length>6?10:(strTar.length-4)*5:0)
+ let topPt = 190 - (strTar.length - 4) * 5;
+ let lineHeight = 30 - (strTar.length > 4 ? strTar.length > 6 ? 10 : (strTar.length - 4) * 5 : 0)
for (let i = 0; i < strTar.length; i++) {
ctx.fillText(strTar[i], i == 0 ? leftPositionAarr[0] : leftPositionAarr[1], topPt + i * lineHeight);
@@ -990,7 +1056,7 @@ Page({
showzs: true
fail: () => {
@@ -1055,7 +1121,168 @@ Page({
+ onClickShow(e) {
+ this.setData({ stuItem: e.currentTarget.dataset.item });
+ this.setData({ cardVis: true });
+ },
+ onClickHide() {
+ this.setData({ cardVis: false });
+ },
+ onUnload() {
+ this.setData({ cardVis: false });
+ },
+ onHide() {
+ this.setData({ cardVis: false });
+ },
+ studentList(page) {
+ var that = this;
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ wx.request({
+ url: app.globalData.publicUrl + '/wx/student/progress',
+ method: "post",
+ data: {
+ sessionKey: that.data.sessionKey,
+ pageNum: page,
+ pageSize: that.data.pageSize
+ },
+ success: (res) => {
+ if (res.data.code == 0) {
+ let info = res.data.data;
+ info.list = info.list.map(item => {
+ if (item.studentHead == "" || item.studentHead == null) {
+ item.avatar = item.studentSex == 1 ? that.data.defAvatarf : that.data.defAvatarm;
+ } else {
+ item.avatar = item.studentHead;
+ }
+ return item;
+ })
+ console.log(info);
+ resolve(info)
+ }
+ },
+ fail: (error) => {
+ reject(error)
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ getjob(sessionKey) {
+ wx.request({
+ url: app.globalData.publicUrl + '/wx/student/position',
+ method: "get",
+ data: {
+ sessionKey
+ },
+ success: (res) => {
+ console.log(res, '我是获取到的数组')
+ let Arr = [];
+ res.data.data.forEach(item => {
+ let newdata = {};
+ newdata.dictLabel = item.dictLabel;
+ newdata.dictValue = item.dictValue;
+ Arr.push(newdata);
+ });
+ this.setData({
+ jobArr: Arr
+ })
+ },
+ fail: () => {
+ wx.hideLoading();
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ onReachBottom() {
+ console.log("下拉刷新");
+ var that = this;
+ if (that.data.classVis && that.data.stuInfo.list.length > 0) {
+ var page = that.data.pageNum;
+ page++;
+ that.setData({ pageNum: page });
+ wx.showLoading({
+ title: '加载更多',
+ })
+ that.studentList(this.data.pageNum).then(res => {
+ wx.hideLoading();
+ let oldList = that.data.stuInfo.list.slice();
+ let newInfo = Object.assign({}, that.data.stuInfo, res)
+ console.log("that.data.pageNum",that.data.pageNum);
+ console.log("res.pages:",res.pages);
+ if (that.data.pageNum <= res.pages) {
+ newInfo.list=oldList.concat(newInfo.list)
+ that.setData({
+ stuInfo:newInfo
+ });
+ }else{
+ wx.showToast({
+ title: '没有更多了',
+ })
+ }
+ console.log(res)
+ },()=>{
+ wx.hideLoading();
+ wx.showToast({
+ title: '加载失败',
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ // onReachBottom: function () {
+ // var that = this;
+ // console.log(that)
+ // var page = that.data.page
+ // page++;
+ // that.setData({
+ // page: page
+ // })
+ // // 显示加载图标
+ // wx.showLoading({
+ // title: '玩命加载中',
+ // })
+ // wx.request({
+ // url: '', //请求的接口地址
+ // data: {
+ // page: that.data.page, // 页数
+ // },
+ // header: {
+ // 'content-type': 'application/json'
+ // },
+ // method: 'GET',
+ // success: function (res) {
+ // console.log(res)
+ // var goods = that.data.grade.concat(res.data.data.list) //grade 为一进入页面请求完数据定义的集合
+ // if (res.data.data.list == '') {
+ // console.log(1)
+ // wx.showToast({
+ // title: '暂无更多',
+ // icon: 'none',
+ // })
+ // } else {
+ // that.setData({
+ // grade : goods,
+ // });
+ // }
+ // wx.hideLoading();
+ // },
+ // })
+ // },
async onShow() {
+ var that = this;
// wx.showLoading({
// title: '加载中',
// mask:true
@@ -1064,6 +1291,14 @@ Page({
- this.isRz(sessionKey)
+ await this.isRz(sessionKey)
+ that.getjob(sessionKey)
+ console.log(that.data.classVis);
+ this.studentList(this.data.pageNum).then((info) => {
+ this.setData({ stuInfo: info });
+ console.log(this.data.stuInfo)
+ })