/* eslint valid-jsdoc: "off" */ 'use strict'; const { jwt } = require('./config.secret'); /** * @param {Egg.EggAppInfo} appInfo app info */ module.exports = appInfo => { /** * built-in config * @type {Egg.EggAppConfig} **/ const config = exports = {}; // use for cookie sign key, should change to your own and keep security config.keys = appInfo.name + '_1579225760252_7743'; // add your middleware config here config.middleware = []; // add your user config here const userConfig = { // myAppName: 'egg', }; // add your config here config.cluster = { listen: { port: 8081, }, }; config.mongoose = { url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/servicetest', options: { // user: 'admin', // pass: 'admin', // authSource: 'admin', // useNewUrlParser: true, // useCreateIndex: true, }, }; config.jwt = { ...jwt, expiresIn: '1d', issuer: 'servicetest', }; // config.amqp = { // client: { // hostname: '', // username: 'visit', // password: 'visit', // vhost: 'visit', // }, // app: true, // agent: true, // }; return { ...config, ...userConfig, }; };